
Prostate Cancer

Ed’s Cancer Journey: Why He Choose Proton Therapy Over CyberKnife

Ed Ellardi, a busy family man from Staten Island, NY, found himself battling a persistent cold that refused to go away. At his wife’s urging, Ed sought medical advice, setting in motion a series of events that would lead to a life-changing diagnosis.

At 52, Ed faced the daunting reality of prostate cancer, detected early through a routine PSA test recommended by his doctor. The subsequent biopsy confirmed the diagnosis, thrusting Ed into a pivotal decision-making process regarding his treatment.

With options ranging from traditional radiation to modalities like proton therapy and CyberKnife, Ed did his research about the best course of action. Given the localized nature of his cancer and a desire to minimize collateral damage to surrounding tissues, he weighed the merits of each approach.

Ed ultimately opted for proton therapy, drawn by its potential for reduced radiation exposure and a visit to the ProCure Proton Therapy Center in Central NJ that left him feeling reassured and cared for.

“From Bernie at the front desk to the whole staff, they were phenomenal!” Ed said. “They didn’t make you feel like a patient. You felt like family from Day 1.”

Ed added: “With CyberKnife I didn’t like more radiation at the shorter term, and its possible impact on reaching more organs. So, I was more drawn to proton therapy and ProCure.  The number of treatments was a little longer, but I’m sure you’ve heard, ‘Slow and steady wins the race.”

Starting his treatment journey at ProCure in December 2023, Ed embarked on a series of 28 sessions. Each treatment taking approximately five minutes.

Despite the logistics of daily commuting and a bustling schedule from working multiple jobs, Ed found the supportive environment at ProCure provided solace, with friendly technicians and personalized care easing his path.

Reflecting on his treatment experience, Ed emphasizes the minimal side effects and gradual post-treatment recovery. He scheduled his treatment early in the mornings and did not miss a day of work.

As January 2024 dawned, Ed received encouraging news: his PSA levels had dropped from 6.2 to 0.2, marking a significant turnaround in his health. With optimism ablaze, Ed and his family embarked on a celebratory trip to Disney World.

Ed’s story serves as hope to others facing similar trials, underscoring the importance of informed decision-making and the profound impact of personalized care. With gratitude for the unwavering support of his medical team – and his ProCure physician, Dr. Brian Chon – Ed embraces the future with renewed vigor and appreciation for the gift of health.

Click here to learn more about prostate cancer treatment at ProCure.