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Welcome to ProCure
ProCure has the most extensive proton therapy experience in the tri-state area. Since 2012, ProCure has provided more than 6,000 patients with exceptional and personalized care with the most advanced proton therapy technology available. As the first full-service proton therapy center to open in the tri-state area, ProCure is renowned for its leading cancer care. In addition to our state-of-the-art technology, we offer a warm, welcoming environment that ensures seamless care beyond proton therapy and fosters a strong sense of community.
ProCure is the first center in New Jersey to offer Pencil Beam Scanning, the most advanced radiation treatment available to radiation oncologists today.
The Treatment Process
Supporting You At Every Stage
Our dedicated doctors and care team are there for you at every step of your treatment journey – supporting you before, during, and after your treatment.
Case Evaluation
During the beginning of our process, a physician review board will evaluate your case and determine if you can benefit from proton therapy. Once this process has concluded, and if it has been determined that proton therapy could benefit you, we will schedule an in-person consultation.
Initial Consultation & Planning Session
At the in-person consultation, you will meet with your doctor and nurse to discuss your treatment plan. Once your personal treatment plan is complete, a radiation therapist from your care team will contact you. They will inform you of how many treatments your doctor has prescribed and schedule your first proton therapy appointment.
Treatment Sessions
Most patients are scheduled for therapy 5 days a week, excluding weekends and holidays, for a period of 4-7 weeks. Each treatment session only lasts around 15 – 60 minutes, with actual treatment time lasting just a few minutes. Your schedule will depend on your diagnosis and the best approach to deliver proton therapy for your precise needs.
Doctor Check-ins
You will meet with your radiation oncologist at least once a week to discuss how your therapy is progressing. Your doctor may order additional tests such as blood tests, CTs, MRIs, or other scans during the course of your treatment. If you have specific needs or questions, a doctor is available for you at any time.
Completing Therapy
During the last week of your therapy, the treatment team will honor you and celebrate the completion of your proton journey. It is a special time for patients and their loved ones to exchange experiences and thank the friends they’ve met along the way.
Follow-up Care
We’re dedicated to you while you’re here and after you finish treatment. Follow-up care is extremely important. Your care team will remain in contact with you and your referring physician after you’ve completed treatment. Our focus is to fully enable you to return to normal life as quickly as possible.

Patient Graduation
Celebrating Life Restored
The end of your treatment is an occasion to be commemorated. ProCure celebrates the completion of each patient’s proton therapy treatment with a graduation ceremony. Each graduate receives a certificate and uniquely-numbered challenge coin in recognition of their journey. Loved ones are encouraged to attend and patients have the opportunity to talk about their experience with all attendees. Learn more about our patient graduations through our Patient Stories.

Talk To Us
Find out if proton therapy is the right treatment for you. Contact our Care Team or request more information online.
Attend An Information Session
Learn more about proton therapy and our world-class Care Team. Contact the center to reserve your place.